Recent Updates Made to Our Site
01/03/2022 Added pic to Photos. Heart of the Rockies 1951
12/27/2021 Updated Old Clapperboard Page
10/01/21 Added DVD and collectibles link to Store page.
08.03.2020 Image of Dave Sharp & WW replaced with new from Angel G. in photo's
06/04/2020 Image added to photos, A Strange Adventure location photo.
12/19/2019 The addition of writer ,director, producer Steve Latshaw to 'WW Aficionados'
12/12/18 Added some pictures to photos and ad to WW media. Changes to Knothead /old Clapperboard Productions
11/02/2017 Added article (Don't call me Max") about Maxine Doyle to Maxine Doyle 'photo' & home page. from 'films of the Golden age' page 58, issue 90, fall 2017.
01/10/2017 Pictures added to Photos
05/10/16 Added Maxine Doyle's video tribute ( MY MOM ) to he page.
04/19/16 Added several to WW photo page
02/18/16  I'm now finding it difficult to list all the changes as most of them are cosmetic and some of them over the last month I've just forgotten what I did.  However, changes to the HOME page, adding KnotHead Productions (bringing it home to the WW site) and today adding Mike Nevins new book about directors (WW of course) 'THEY CALLED THE SHOTS' are but a few of the changes and updates.  Adding links, photos are always ongoing but with the use of Facebook now anything new usually starts on the WW FB page.
02/06/16 Adding a new page for KnotHead productions with other changes to site ( ongoing work at the moment) will be more specific about changes in future posts.
01/23/16 Added picture to photos...Shooting on Republic back lot.
01/15/16 Added link, on video page, to William Witney channel on Vimeo.
10/07/15 New pictures added to photos, WW USMC photo
09/10/15 New pictures added to photos, new info added to BIO page
08/12/15 Updated store and book page with new book 'Deadly Is The Winter'
07/28/15 Added photo, touch up HOME page, added new book info.
06/26/15 Added photo Bells of Coronado
05/22/15 Added to bio page, JD's interview and photo to photo page.
04/23/15 More video's added, Book page updated along with Bio page.
04/10/15 New video's added see video page, some updates on Bio page.
12/10/2014 Minor updates, more to come in January 2015.  Merry Christmas & Happy New year  to all WW fans.
10/27/2014  Added new video and picture.  More news and videos coming soon.
09/30/2014 We will be adding new content and information in mid October.  We have been working on a presentation for the "Lone Pine Film Festival " William Witney Remembered. Hope to see many of you in Lone Pine this year.
08/23/2014 Video added to video page.
08/18/2014 two new photos added.
08/14/2014 YAQUI a story written By William Witney now available (see Book page)
08/06/14 New video, Update book page(in progress) Update store page (in progress).
07/07/2014 New video: Bio page-to Video page or click here
07/06 2014 For those fans that read this page we apologize for not having updated the sit for awhile. We are currently working on publishing a story that William Witney wrote in the 1970's called  'YAQUI'.  We will be posting more about this book soon. We also have some video clips from various film festivals we hope to be uploading soon.  Thank you for your patience -- Jay Dee.
Added today: 1973 Houstoncon written panel discussion on bio Bio page. Direct link: click here.
05/30/2014 Picture added to WW photo - see last photo listed.
04/26/2014 More Pictures  Maxine autograph collection page (24 more) All autographed pictures have now been posted. (301)  We will be concentrating on more William Witney video clips in the upcoming months.
04/25/2014 More Pictures  Maxine autograph collection page (10 more)
04/24/2014 More Pictures  Maxine autograph collection page (10 more)
04/11/2014 More Pictures  Maxine autograph collection page (10 more)
04/10/2014 More Pictures  Maxine autograph collection page(10 more)
03/30/2014 More Pictures  Maxine autograph collection page(10 more)
03/27/2014 More Pictures  Maxine autograph collection page(15 more)
03/22/2014 More Pictures  Maxine autograph collection page(16 more)
03/18/2014 More Pictures  Maxine autograph collection page(8 more)
03/15/2014 More Pictures  Maxine autograph collection page(7 more)
03/14/2014 More Pictures  Maxine autograph collection page(8 more)
03/07/2014 New Video posted in WW video page (ww remembers David sharp)More Pictures  Maxine autograph collection page(8 more)
03/04/2014 More Pictures added to: Maxine autograph collection page(6 more)
03/01/2014 Update Bio link page and video page links + more pictures  Maxine autograph collection page (6 more)
02/27/2014 More Pictures  Maxine autograph collection page(8 more)
02/24/2014 More Pictures added to Maxine autograph collection page( 16 more)
02/19/2014  New video page link on Bio page, will soon have all video links on one one page.  More picture added to Maxine autograph collection page( 8 more)
02/14/2014 More Pictures added to Maxine autograph collection page( 8 new)
02/09/2014 More Pictures added to Maxine autograph collection page(7 new)
01/31/2014  We had to update the Home page so our Google analytics would work. The date when updates are made will no longer remain on Home page as it need to be static. The address to go straight to this page is: 
01/17/2014 More Pictures added to  6 new)
01/15/2014 More Pictures added to 
Maxine autograph collection page(6 new)
01/13/2014  More Pictures added to Maxine autograph collection page(6 new)
01/10/2014 Pictures added to Maxine autograph collection page(6 new)
01/03/2014 Picture added to ww photos (updated photos are always the end photos unless stated)
11/21/2013 Pictures added to WW photos, Maxine Doyle and WW 1938, World war II photo.
11/11/2013 Picture added to ww photos, Roy Rogers on the set of 'ON THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL'
09/24/2013 Video clips added to WW bio page (Bill as General LeMay),Maxine Doyle page(Maxine as Queen Gwinevere),       JayDee page (clip of JD In 'The Steagle')
08/19/2013 Picture added to wwphotos-Dick Tracy's G-Men cast and crew ( pictures added are usually last in file )
08/15/2013 Pictures added to wwphoto page and Maxine autograph collection page (new additions are at bottom)
08/06/2013 Picture added toWW photos (now first photo)
07/12/2013 Picture added to WW photos.
06/30/2013 Pictures added to Photo page and Lone Pine page.
05/24/2013 Pictures added to WW photo page.
05/11/2013 Article added about WW toBio Page, nine pic's added to Maxine Photo gallery page
04/29/2013 Some photos added toWW Photo pageand
04/18/2013 Photos added to WW photo page, Maxine photo page and article page, other small fixes and updated.
04/14/2013  Article added tofamily storiesabout theother wives in William Witney's life. A correction to Maxine's age story.
03/30/2013 More added to: Maxine autograph collection and Maxine atricles
03/29/2013 Pictures added: Photo, Maxine photo & article page
03/14/2013 More additions to photos and Maxine Autograph photo collection gallery
02/19/2013 Pictures added to photo page.
02/17/2013 Video link added to Bio page, Bill Witney on Happy Trails Theater. Photo added.
02/15/2013 Video links added to Bio page(rt side) Video link added to Contact us page, click on photo of Maxine Doyle and Robert Armstrong to view "the Mystery Man" 1935
01/14/2013-Photo added to photo page, YouTube added to book page (Trigger), other miner corrections.
12/23/2012-More pictures added to Bio page( tx Angel Gutierrez) more photo added to Maxine autograph gallery. We are on Hiatus until mid January-- Happy Holidays from Jay Dee Witney
12/13/2012-lobby card pic to Maxine Gallery, photo gallery problem fixed.
11/28/2012-Aficionado Richard B Smith III update new book on Roy Rogers/William Witney.
11/04/12-On WW Bio page added You Tube link, Maxine Page added sound clips.
10/31/12-Additions and corrections to WW main photo page, Maxine Doyle photo page.
10/27/12-Additions to ww main photo page, Maxine photo page, renamed Autograph page to Photo Memorbilla, various other small changes.
09/30/2012-Addition of Aficionado- Angel Guitierrez,  Photo added to Photos page from A. Guitierrez.
09/22/2012-Captions to photo on photo page updated provided by Angel Gutierrez.
09/20/12 -Photos added to William Witney photo page and Maxine Doyle photo page.
9/17/12 - GuestBook added to the Contact Page. Update page added to the site to inform users of new postings based by date.
9/13/12 - sample information and links